Thursday, March 26, 2015

My activities at FOSSASIA 2015

This blog in continuation to my earlier blog on "FOSSASIA 2015 Highlights noticed by me"

Group Photo

Talk on Glibc Unicode 7 update:

        Glibc is an important component of operating systems. Recently we upgraded Glibc Unicode support from 5.1 to 7.0. This was major update after 4-5 years. It usually remains unnoticed, i wanted to highlight. Even though i work for redhat still it took around 7-8 month to get patch finally in glibc upstream. Around 25-30 audience was there in talk and it was well taken. Slides for my talks are available at slideshare.


        We kept Fedora DVD's and stickers At Red Hat booth. Was at booth 2-3pm first day and distributed dvd's to attendees. Also got a chance to meet Harish, Izhar, Prima Yogi, Aditya patawari, and Kushal. I proposed Fedora badge for people attending fossasia and asked participant to add name in piratepad.  Unfortunately it got rejected due to not planned in advance :(

        Fedora Breakout session. This was planned by Praveen Kumar, we gathered there, not many attendees were there but we got a chance to interact with "Hamara Linux" representative Aarti Dwivedi and Samyak Datta, LifeNectar explained them regarding Fedora, Fedora.Next and also on widely used Fedora remixes.

FUDCon APAC 2015:

        Being one of the member of organizing committee thought its good time to discuss on FUDCon APAC 2015 with people mostly participate remotely. We planned BoF, decided to do it in lunch time since most of the time people were busy doing other stuff. Updated group on number of papers received, planning happened till date, BarCamp style track, lightening talks.

Represented Red Hat Globalization team:

        Working in this domain almost 8+years and worked on almost all complex scripts including Indic, Arabic.  APAC is more characterized by non-english speaking countries and fossasia was the perfect place to interact with users for globalization needs. Interacted with couple of people for what languages they used on Fedora.

I attended almost all talks in OpenTech track and provided feedback to speakers. Had a good time interacting with most of the attendees over the lunch, socializing events. We had a nice hangout of brewerkz with Anish, Kushal, Praveen Kumar, Lennart Poettering and RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont. 

Thank you fossasia organizers Hong Phuc Dang, Mario Behling, Harish Pillay, Roland Turner, Justin Lee and Darwin Gosal looking forward to attend next year as well. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lohit Devanagari 2.95.1 release

Done with 2.95.1 release. This release in continuation with 2.95.0 release, basically to resolves issues raised in it ;)

Noticed issue while Fedora 22 testing from Bhushan. While analyzing it found it is due to autohinting in Lohit fontconfig file.

We are now using ttfautohint while building ttf file and on this hinted font again using autohint. This does not working very nice as reported in bugzilla.

From bug #1203996
There was couple of more issues i noticed on Fedora 22. These all are fixed now. Soon building 2.95.1 version for Fedora 22. Will be available in Fedora 22 Beta release.

Announced in lohit-devel list

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

FOSSASIA 2015 Highlights noticed by me

This blog i am writing specifically to point out some good points i noticed during the fossasia 2015 conference. Feel free to add missing in comments section :)

  1. Awesome location Singapore !! I am sure no one will object :)
  2. On the first day Tweets were displayed in the hall. Fossasia is not one who started it. But this was the my first conference where i saw it. It is good thing where audience can share what going in there mind w.r.t. ongoing talk  with other audience. It was also motivating audience to tweets, so good trick to make audience active ;)
  3. It was good first day with no parallel talks. I liked the approach, starting parallel tracks from day first sometime start splitting audience. Talks on first day were more generic. People also got a chance to know, how many people around and started planning hacking activity for coming days.
  4. Talk from Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Singapore was well taken by audience. Very few such ministers around who understand technology so well.  
  5. All food vessels at the lunch counter got empty in some time. It proves how tasty the food was. :)
  6. Second day started with 5 parallel tracks. OpenTech, Web Technologies, Python, Mozilla and DevOps. I attended almost all talks in OpenTech Track. Even though there was 5 tracks each track got sufficient audience. 
  7. Before lunch we took group photo. It was fun, whenever we were thinking all are in now, one new batch of people were joining and then again trying to accommodate all frame. Thanks to Michael Cannon for photo.
  8. One of the good points was almost all domains people were present. Even we had some talks related to Open Source in Healthcare AutistConnect, LifeNectar and OpenMRS.
  9. Lightening talks generally does not get scheduled but in fossasia those were scheduled. I will say it as a good move. First it gave speakers recognition and also might have given them chance to get funding for conference. Second since it was scheduled it happened in well planned manner. Some audience missed few talks due to minor schedule change in lightening talks. Still i will say lightening talks made good impact. Specifically it worked like person introduced his topic and requested audience to join breakout session for further discussions.
  10. Plenty of rooms were available for breakout sessions.
  11. Each day was followed by some social event. Going to remember social event at Labrador park seaside Singapore BBQ definitely for some more time. Did not attended other days social event since some other plans.
  12. I think due to huge success of fossasia2015 organizers decided to choose same location for next year fossasia as well.
  13. Number of booths were available, Dron demonstration was also interesting. Mozilla, MySql, 3D printer, Red Hat.
I had almost dropped my plan to attend conference, thanks to Harish. He gave opportunity to attend conference the conference. I am going to write one more blog on my activities at fossasia, it will be bit bigger than this, Stay tuned :)

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Tomorrow (9th March) is last day to submit papers (talk, workshop and hackfests) for FUDCon APAC 2015

    Just thought good to write this small blog as a reminder for deadline for CFP submission [1]. We opened up CFP on 9th Feb, its almost one month before closing CFP tomorrow.
    As of now we have got an excellent response from community from paper submission perspective. Still one day to go. From my personnel experience i know lots of submissions happen on last day :)  Expecting few more on last day. Just make sure to think select appropriate category for your sessions. If not sure, go ahead and submit abstract, during screening will try to suggest suitable category.

    We had around 4 weekly meeting during CFP open time and lots of things happened. Some points includes
    1. Logo finalization.
    2. CFP for flyers.
    3. Fedora 21 release party at Venue. [2]
    4. Code of Conduct for conference. [3]
    5. Lots of decision from conference arrangement perspective. Including Food, FedPub and Speakers accommodation.
    6. site improvements.
    7. Reached lots of organization with CFP details.
    These are only few which i remembered, for more details go through piratepad

