Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Do you know the relationship between two eyes..? they blink together, they move together, they cry together, they see things together and they sleep together BUT THEY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER.. that's what's friendship !!! If I called you and asked you to pick me up because something happened.... would you come?.... If I had one day left to live my life... would you be part of my last day?.... If I needed a shoulder to cry on.... would you give me yours? This is a test to see who is your real friend or just someone that talks to you when they are bored. . . (and I do care!) you know that?


ernsttremel said...

Dear Mr. Pravin Satpute

in our font "lohit_hi.ttf" I miss the glyphs
0904 ऄ
0953 ॓
0971 ॱ
0972 ॲ
097B ॻ
097C ॼ
097D ॽ
097E ॾ
097F ॿ
Ernst Tremel

Pravin Satpute said...

you should try
https://bugzilla.redhat.com instead for such a problem

these characters are there in newer version of lohit_hi.ttf

for latest version